Documentation page for diffsph
Indices and tables¶
is a Python package that computes diffuse fluxes from Milky-Way satellite dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. It allows users to obtain
\(J\) factor maps (relevant for gamma-ray astronomy)

(radio frequency) synchtrotron-radiation emission profiles

bounds on e.~g. Dark Matter annihilation cross sections from radio astronomical observations

Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL , e. g.:
git clone
svn co
Otherwise download the zip file from the repository
For global installations, while in the diffsph
’s main folder type:
python bdist_wheel
pip install .
The main functionalities and algorithmic structure of the code are captured by the diagram below

Users can both compute diffuse emission fluxes with the pyflux
) module and 2\(\sigma\) limits on e. g. annihilation cross sections or decay rates of dark matter particles by using the limits
) module. Details about the methods used to perform these computations are given in Ref. [1] .
In order to get familiar with the code, use the following set of commands to generate the figure below:
from diffsph import pyflux as pf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# Angle grid in arcmin
theta_grid = [15 * i / 50 for i in range(0, 50)]
# List of satellite galaxies
dsph_list = ['Ursa Major II', 'Fornax', 'Ursa Minor', 'Sextans']
# diffsph's computations at nu = 150 MHz and for the given model
Inu = [[pf.synch_brightness(th, nu = .150, galaxy = gal, rad_temp = 'HDZ',
hyp = 'wimp', ref = '1408.0002', sv = 3e-26,
mchi = 10, channel = 'mumu', high_res = True,
accuracy = .1)
for th in theta_grid]
for gal in dsph_list]
# Plots
plt.plot(theta_grid, Inu[0], "k", label = dsph_list[0])
plt.plot(theta_grid, Inu[1], "--k", label = dsph_list[1])
plt.plot(theta_grid, Inu[2], ":k", label = dsph_list[2])
plt.plot(theta_grid, Inu[3], "-.k", label = dsph_list[3])
plt.xlabel('$\\theta$ (arcmin)', size = 'large');
plt.ylabel('$I_\\nu$ (Jy/sr)', size = 'large');
plt.title('Brightness profiles with diffsph');
plt.text(7.5, 630, '$\chi\chi\, \\to\, \mu^+\mu^-$',
horizontalalignment = 'center', size = 'large');

The following example shows how to obtain limits on the decay rate of dark matter particles using non-detection (noise level) in the field of Draco. It can take just a few minutes to compute them all in a modern laptop:
from diffsph import limits as lims
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
# DM mass grid in GeV
mass_grid = [10 ** (5 * i / 50) for i in range(0, 50)]
# List of decay channels
ch_list = ['WW', 'ZZ', 'hh', 'nunu', 'ee_MC', 'mumu', 'tautau', 'qq', 'cc', 'bb', 'tt']
# diffsph's computations at nu = 150 MHz and for the given image
rates = [[lims.decay_rate_limest(nu = .15, rms_noise = 100, beam_size = 20,
galaxy = 'Draco', rad_temp = 'HDZ', mchi = mch,
channel = ch, high_res = True, accuracy = .1,
ref = '1408.0002')
for mch in mass_grid]
for ch in ch_list]
# Plots
[plt.loglog(mass_grid, rates[i], label = ch_list[i], ls = '--') for i in range(0, 3)]
[plt.loglog(mass_grid, rates[i], label = ch_list[i], ls = ':') for i in range(3, 7)]
[plt.loglog(mass_grid, rates[i], label = ch_list[i]) for i in range(7, len(ch_list))]
plt.ylim([1e-25, 1e-20]);
plt.xlim([3, 1e5]);
plt.legend(loc = 'lower right', ncols = 2)
plt.xlabel('$m_\chi$ (GeV)', size = 'large');
plt.ylabel('$\Gamma_{dec}$ (s${}^{-1}$)', size = 'large');
plt.title('diffsph 2$\sigma$ limit estimates on DM decay rates');
plt.text(5, 4e-21, 'Draco', size = 'large');
